• -9%
    Кава в зернах Hausbrandt Espresso Nonnetti 1 кг
  • Кава в зернах Hausbrandt Espresso Nonnetti 1 кг

    Hausbrandt Trieste 1892
    В наявності
    1 400,00Грн. 1 280,00Грн.

Кава з вираженими характеристиками.

Наявність в суміші робусти дає хорошу міцність і ні з чим незрівняний аромат підсмаженого хліба і печива, з майже невловимою кислотністю.

Baкуумнaя упaкoвкa 1 кг

Whole beans in 2.2 lb (1 kilo) bag.

Since 1892 the family Hausbrandt has been active in the business of roasting and trading coffee .

Nonnetti was the first blend from this company to lay the cornerstone of their outstanding reputation as one of the most appraised and renowned in Italy .

Fine Arabica and Robusta beans are skillfully blended to produce an outstanding espresso . The unique flavour of a Hausbrandt coffee is owed to the traditional roasting process using a slow rotating drum roaster that allows to bring out a coffee's truest flavour characteristics . A well-rounded coffee low in acidity with a complex aroma , nutty, velevety flavour with medium caffeine content!

Used coffee types: 80% Arabica and 20% Robusta beans

Assessment: medium strong coffee, excellent crema, medium caffeine content


**** - very good for automatic coffee machines

***** - perfect for espresso

**** - very good for cappuccino

**** - very good for Cafè Creme

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